Saturday, April 18, 2009

Confluence birding and conservation outing this morning

At 7 a.m., Jason and Rick and I made up the sum total of the early morning BCAS birders at Confluence.  I leave the overall birding report to Jason, the record-keeper, since I am usually unable to recall everything I see.  I did attach a few photos above.
Several more people showed up for the beaver-proofing of the trees.  We managed to wrap a couple dozen trees before running out of both materials and time.  The beavers continue to chew their way through the forest there, although there are signs they are eating some of the exotic trees (Russian olives, Siberian elm, tamarisk) as well as the cottonwoods.
I only got one photo of the work, in which Jason, our fearless leader, appears to be distracted by something flying overhead...
More work to be done there in the future.

Dennis Garrison

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