Every day brings new discoveries in the new neighborhood (from "As You
Like It": "What's the new news in the new court?"). This morning it was
foxes, at least three young foxes cavorting on the hillside while two
adults both played and seemed to stand vigil while the fun went on. The
little foxes were about half the size of the adults, with one juvenile
significantly smaller, perhaps the runt of the litter. They scampered
madly in the sage and were a delight to observe. I've been watching the
neighborhood fox all winter as it passes by our place and hunts the
fields for rodents. Today, finally, I saw the den site and watched the
young! Hope to have pictures soon.
Frogs: at five tonite while Chuck and Steve and I stood around
chatting out in the shop, the frog chorus began from a nearby pond. It
is spring! Do frogs hibernate in the mud below the ice all winter? Then
there are polliwogs, then there are frogs. Now to determine what
particular frogs they are . . . and this explains the frequent flight of
great blue herons over our place.
Jane McGarry, Paonia