Today all the third graders from Hotchkiss Elementary School spent the
afternoon by the North Fork River, the final project for the ecology
unit the third grade has been studying. Among other things the kids
learned about birds from Black Canyon Auduboners Dennis Garrison and me.
We had a ton of fun with these bright children. Dennis shared pictures
and posters about Bird Migration Day (coming up), and taught the kids
how to look at birds' bills to learn what kinds of food they eat. We
brought along BCAS's wonderful bird skins collection, and the kids loved
touching the feathers, beaks, and feet of preserved birds like the great
horned owl, black billed magpie, and red crossbill. We talked about
common birds in the area and watched swallows and Say's Phoebes. Dennis
designed a great game that had kids hunting for food cards to match bird
cards. He set up his scope and we all got a good look at fuzzy yellow
goslings swimming behind the big Canada geese.
Maybe your school needs a river ecology day? Maybe you'd like to
borrow the bird skins to share with children? We would be happy to share.
Jane McGarry