*The Uncompahgre Mesas Forest Restoration and Demonstration Project *
The UP Project (www.UPProject.org <http://www.UPProject.org>), US Forest
Service, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute –Colorado State
University (CFRI)
(http://welcome.warnercnr.colostate.edu/cfri-home/index.php), local
conservation groups and interested members of the community have come
together to enhance the resiliency, diversity and productivity of the
native ecosystem in the Uncompahgre Mesas area of the Uncompahgre
Plateau, CO using best available science and collaboration. The first
phase of this comprehensive restoration effort will focus on a
17,000-acre landscape. The area is comprised of aspen, mixed conifer and
ponderosa pine forest types.
* *
*July 29 – 30 Field Trip/Camp Out*.
This event will be an excellent opportunity for community members to
learn multi-party ecological monitoring data collection techniques. Dr.
Jessica Clement and Mica Keralis from the Colorado Forest Restoration
Institute-Colorado State University will conduct a training session for
workgroup members and volunteers. They have developed a 'citizen
scientist' ecological monitoring protocol for our project to measure the
following indicators:
1. Surface Fuels (including coarse woody debris)
2. Tree Characteristics (Diameter at Breast Height DBH, Height,
species, age, composition)
3. Canopy Cover and base height
4. Tree Density
5. Photo Points
6. Understory vegetation (abundance and composition including noxious
7. Willdlife indicators
8. Disease, pathogens and insect indicators
After the training session, we will begin to collect
pre-treatment/baseline data within the project area. We will camp at the
USFS 25 Mesa Guard Station on the Uncompahgre Plateau on July 29^th .
* *
Please join us for all or part of the field trip. New comers are welcome
and you do not need to make a long-term commitment to the project to
participate in this training session. RSVP to Pam Motley at 970-209-9087
or UPProject@UPProject.org <mailto:UPProject@UPProject.org>. Because the
UP will be providing meals, I'll need to know by */Friday, July 24^th /*
if you are planning to attend.
Pam Motley
Education Coordinator
Uncompahgre Plateau Project
www.UPProject.org <http://www.UPProject.org>